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【Notice】SORA Technology Selected for METI’s Africa DX Project|Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Rice Paddy Irrigation Management Using Drones and AI

SORA Technology Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Nagoya, Aichi; Founder and CEO: Yosuke Kaneko), a leader in AI and aerospace technology tackling global health and climate change challenges, is pleased to announce that it has been selected in August 2024 for the Africa DX Project by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). The project supports the creation of businesses that address social challenges in Africa through innovative digital means. The project includes feasibility studies, market research, and demand assessments to support sustainable growth in Africa.

SORA Technology will conduct feasibility studies to evaluate the need for its drone-based monitoring and carbon credit creation services across several African countries, including Ghana, Sierra Leone, Kenya, and Mozambique. This will involve aerial imaging and high-resolution analysis of extensive rice paddies using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), as well as the collection of data on irrigation and growth management to support carbon credit creation.

Project Overview

– Selection Date August 1, 2024
– Target Countries Ghana, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Mozambique
– Project Details:
During rice cultivation, methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas, is emitted from rice paddies. Practices such as mid-season drainage and Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) irrigation, traditionally used in Japan, can significantly reduce methane emissions, contributing to the mitigation of global warming. SORA Technology’s project involves the use of high-precision, large-scale UAV imaging and analysis technology to quantify water drainage and depth, supporting the creation of carbon credits.

With a rapidly growing demand for rice in Africa, coupled with concerns over methane emissions and ambitious CO2 reduction targets set by governments, the implementation of sustainable rice cultivation techniques that suppress methane emissions is expected to have a significant impact.

*AWD (Alternate Wetting and Drying): A rice paddy water management technique involving alternating periods of flooding and drying, which reduces methane emissions.

Below is an example of a UAV-captured image of a rice paddy. Areas where drainage is incomplete are shown in red and orange, while areas with completed drainage are shown in blue. This high-resolution monitoring enables accurate tracking of drainage conditions, helping to address the challenges associated with carbon credit validation, such as burdens on farmers and concerns over data fraud. The goal is to facilitate faster and more reliable carbon credit creation.

Challenges in African Rice Cultivation

Due to rapid population growth and changing dietary habits, the demand for rice in Africa has surged. According to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), rice production in Africa more than doubled between 2008 and 2018, from 13.7 million tons to 27.9 million tons*. As rice production increases, so do methane emissions from rice paddies, which have severe implications for global warming. It is crucial to implement practices that simultaneously reduce methane emissions and increase rice production.

Additionally, many farmers in Africa are small-scale producers who face financial challenges in scaling up their operations. By creating and selling carbon credits, it is expected that this project will help alleviate financial constraints and support sustainable growth in the agriculture sector.

*Source: International Rice Research Institute (IRRI): [https://www.irri.org/where-we-work/countries/africa]

About the Africa DX Project (AfDX)

The Africa DX Project, hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), supports the expansion of Japanese businesses into Africa, where there is significant untapped market potential. The project promotes collaboration between Japan and African countries as well as among Japanese companies, fostering the development of businesses that address social challenges using innovative digital means. The goal is to support sustainable growth and the expansion of Japanese businesses in Africa.

Website: [https://afdx.go.jp/about.html]

About SORA Technology

SORA Technology is on a mission to “transform lives from the skies (SORA).” By leveraging drones and air mobility, the company aims to create safe and prosperous societies worldwide. As a startup, SORA Technology focuses on combating malaria, one of the world’s three major infectious diseases, using drones and AI.

Website: [https://sora-technology.com/en/]

Contact Information

For media inquiries, please contact:
SORA Technology Co., Ltd. Public Relations: Ichiko Sato
E-mail: ichiho.sato@sora-tech.com

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