2. Company Information
  3. About Us

Company Information


About Us

About Us

– Mission –Transform people’s way of life from “The Sky (SORA)”

Realize a 'Safe and prosperous society anywhere in the world'
by utilizing 'The Sky (SORA)'

– Vision –Realize “Air Mobility Society”

Create a future where everyone in the world has access to the places
and things they need

  • Realize a sustainable society that is resilient to disasters and epidemics by utilizing “The Sky (SORA)”
  • Realize a safe management and integration of “The Sky (SORA)” throughout the world
  • Realize universalization of data analytics through “The Sky (SORA)”

– Value –

  • Global Perspective

    We think from a global perspective to contribute to the world as an earthling

  • Reality and Speed

    • We value the field and the actual thing, and do not deviate from reality
    • We execute everything with the fastest possible speed
  • Opportunity and

    • We value equal opportunity (e.g. developing countries ⇔ developed countries, gender, age)
    • We know, acknowledge, lean on, and respect each other's peers
    • We give respect for each national identity
  • Dreams and Ideas

    We value dreams, and create one and only value in the world through ideas to realize them

  • Challenge

    We value and challenge the discoveries that shake our hearts and mind