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【Interview】DE&I Initiatives Undertaken by a Startup Aiming for International Expansion

Promotion & Advancement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Path to Becoming a Global Enterprise


At SORA Technology, we aim to grow our drones and AI capabilities to fight both infectious diseases and climate change to make global impact rather than just in the domestic Japanese sphere. As we seek to globalize our company the constant question remains: How do we succeed when competing with American and European companies, where cultures and business practices are very different from Japan?
A particularly important point remains in DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), where a company’s corporate culture respects all forms of diversity, and fair opportunities are provided. Although a norm within Western companies, it is not yet the norm in Japanese companies. Given this status quo, we believe that it is especially important for us to undertake and implement DE&I at the startup level. 

We spoke with our own DE&I Specialist, Yuri Sawa, on why we are committed to DE&I, its importance, and our company’s efforts towards creating a DE&I corporate culture.

Name: Yuri Sawa
Birthday: May 2nd, 2002
Background: Born and raised in California, attending a local American school, moving to Japan and attending an international highschool. Currently a graduate student at International Christian University (ICU) majoring in International Relations and Law. Began working as an interm at SORA Technology in June 2023. 


Where It All Began: Experiencing Microagressions in American 

ーーーーCould you share any experiences that led to you develop an interest in DE&I? 

I was born in California, but raised going back and forth between Tokyo and California all my life. While living in the U.S., my environment was a majority-white area, of which Asian-Americans stood out among the crowd. As an Asian-American, I faced various experiences of microagressions* and racism. 

One such instance occured at a restaurant where there were many vacant seats. My family was first told to write our names down and wait. After a while, groups of white customers would walk in and be seated immediately, while they continued to make my family and I wait. When we asked the server why we were not able to be seated, we were brushed off. I felt that this was a clear incidence of racism to our faces. 

Further, I felt that many of my peers had no knowledge of what a microgaression was. For example, they would pull at their own eyelids to make fun of my almond-shaped eyes, or ask questions such as “where are you really from?” As someone who was born and raised in the US and held a US citizenship, this was particularly painful as it seeked to ostracize me and make me feel as if I was not an American. 

*Microagression: a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority. (Oxford Dictionary) 

Diversity Within University Life 

ーーーーI’m surprised to hear that you experienced microagressions while living in such a diverse place like the U.S. You attended an international high school in Japan and currently attend International Christian University (ICU). Did you feel any differences between your experiences compared to life in the U.S.? 

Yes, I moved back to Japan due to my parent’s job, and attended an international school. While there, I made friends from those of diverse backgrounds and cultures, and finally found a place where I truly fit in.
At International Chrstian University (ICU), a particular emphasis is placed upon DE&I, and I have made friends who are refugees fleeing war, those with learning disabilities, individuals with visual impairments, etc. Further, the environment was not only racially diverse, but was also filled with those of diverse backgrounds, coming from all walks of life.
By regularly interacting with a diverse range of peers, I have not only become more aware of my own internalized unconscious bias, but also furthered my understanding and awareness around such issues. 

DE&I as the Foundation for Innovation & Success 

ーーーーIt’s interesting to hear that your experiences had such a profound effect on your values and ideas around DE&I. I understand that your current studies includes DE&I as a hot topic. Why do you think DE&I is a crucial component for companies to incorporate? 

DE&I are the backbones of a successful and innovative environment in all institutions, from education, society, and in this case, corporate environment.

  1. 1)D: Diversity allows various perspectives and experiences that bring forth innovation, allowing for a more effective, overarching solution that takes into account all members of society. 
  2. 2)E: Equity allows for equal access to opportunities regardless of background or one’s position, thereby unlocking the full potential of everyone. 
  3. 3)I: Inclusion allows all to feel that they belong, regardless of gender, socioeconomic background, physical and mental disabilities, religion, etc. 

Overall, fostering DE&I in corporate culture allows mutual respect, understanding, high and well rounded teams, better decision making, social responsibility, and sustainability. Further, numerous studies have shown the profitable impact of addressing DE&I.
A Deloitte report states that, “inclusive companies are 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders in their market.” (Davidson 2023 via Deloitte) Another McKinsey report showed that, “companies in the top quartile for ethnic and cultural diversity on executive teams were 36% more likely to have above-average profitability than companies in the bottom quartile .”  (Sundiatu 2020 via McKinsey) 

SORA Technology & DE&I 

ーーーーSORA Technology is currently a startup and still relatively small. What benefits can be reaped by focusing on DE&I now?  

In Western companies, incorporation of DE&I has become a standard practice that is proactively integrated into their operations. As a business that aims to expand beyond the Japanese market, it is crucial for SORA Technology to position itself as a global enterprise. 

In the context of a startup such as SORA Technolgoy, it is particularly integral to incorporate DE&I practices in the early stages of growth, allowing a DE&I oriented mindset and culture.
On the other hand, incorporating DE&I practices into a well-established company can prove to be more challenging as the foundational structure of a massive company must be build brick-by-brick. Therefore, embracing DE&I early on can provide a competitive advantage and support more effective global integration.

Lack of Understanding with DE&I 

ーーーーAre there any areas of DE&I that SORA Technology lacks at the moment? 

SORA Technology has done a wonderful job at incorporating diversity in the hiring process, thereby creating a diverse and global team from various races, nationalities, and geographic locations. 

Yet, there are aspects where I feel that there is a lack of understanding of DE&I within our members. For example, inclusivity in language within meetings. Although efforts are made towards conducting our meetings in English, complex discussions and debates are at times rambled on in Japanese, leaving our non-Japanese members in the dust. Although this is understandable as the majority of our members are not native English speakers, it is important to use the common language of English in order to be inclusive of all employees. 

Further, many of our Japanese members have not been in a international atmosphere, thereby creating a lack of awareness and understanding about DE&I. For example, if one is not aware of what a microagression or unconscious bias is, how can they understand how it would affect someone, and how can they prevent it from happening?

Thus, raising awareness is a crucial component. To achieve this, I would like to conduct internal DE&I workshops as well as participating in extral training programs. 

Contribution to Corporate Culture & Brand Image 

ーーーーAre there any predicted effects of SORA Technology incorporating DE&I? 

Advancing DE&I nitiatives not only enhances the corporate culture and strengthens the brand image, but also fosters improved internal communication. This focus enables all employees alike to realize their full potential and contribute more effectively to the organization’s success.

By establishing a robust corporate culture and a strong brand image, the market value of SORA Technology will be enhanced. This improvement will serve as a significant advantage when being selected as a partner by governments and international organizations.

Our selection as a partner ultimately contributes to alleviating the suffering of those affected by infectious diseases and climate change, thereby making a positive impact by benefiting society as a whole.


Davison , Allie. “How Equity Can Help Promote Gender Equality in the Workplace: Deloitte UK.” Deloitte United Kingdom, 29 Mar. 2023,  

“Oxford English Dictionary.” Definition of Microaggression . Accessed 13 Aug. 2024. 

Sundiatu, et al. “Diversity Wins: How Inclusion Matters.” McKinsey & Company, McKinsey & Company, 19 May 2020. 


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